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Batman Spatula : The Dark Utensil

The kitchen spatula you need for your late night pre-crime fighting sandwich making. Made from a $1 spatula with a custom cut claro walnut handle and finished with boiled linseed oil. This is truly the utensil fit for a superhero...

How To Make A Mallet From Milk Jugs!

HDPE is the plastic used in many household containers including gallon sized milk jugs. It's a dense and highly versitle material that can be easy processed and shaped without much trouble. Which makes it perfect for the hobbyist!

Paint Shavings Hair Clip

I can't stand it, I'm going up to Carl Jacobson's shop to get some automotive paint shavings, AKA Fordite or Detroit agate!

Assembling The Shapeoko 2: The Day the Shop Stood Still

After 10 hours, countless washers and a broken 5mm tap, I will never complain about assembling put-together-furniture again!  I am the owner of a functional desktop CNC machine. Even if the person who assembled it was a bit sub par...

Making A Wooden Zoetrope

A Zoetrope is an animation toy that literally translates to "life turning." While I had many challenges on this build, I have to say is it easily one of my favorite creations. I have a particular fondness for toys....

The Coinapult. The Coin Flipping Catapult!

I build a coin flipper catapult, so my daughter wouldn't keep destroying our game boards. She's not great at flipping the coin, so I thought I'd make her something to help out!  As of this point, I think I like flipping coins more than her! 

DIY Hurricane Balls

This couldn't be simpler! I bought a bunch of 7/16" ball bearings at the hardware store. They were less than 50¢ each. I took some super glue and glued them together, and that is it.