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Showing posts with the label upcycle

How to Make Micarta : A Study in Mistakes

Micarta is a composite material made from paper or cloth and resin. It is exceptionally hard and durable, and is commonly used for knife scales and other items that need to stand up to rough handling and heavy use. Peter decided to make micarta from card stock. This is Shop Timeā€™s third foray into making micarta (previous micarta projects include the blue jean bracelet and book tablet holder), and youā€™d expect that previous experiences would make this project go more smoothly. And thatā€™s where youā€™d be wrong. The actual process of spreading the resin went well. Peter used a shop-made HDPE roller to spread the resin and a piece of laminate to prevent the project from sticking to the bench. He remembered to mix enough resin (because paper and cloth both drink the stuff like theyā€™re dying in the desert). And then things started falling apart. First, the paper started slipping around when Peter tried to put pressure on it. Then the duct tape wouldnā€™t stick to the parchment paper. THEN Pete...

How To Make A Mallet From Milk Jugs!

HDPE is the plastic used in many household containers including gallon sized milk jugs. It's a dense and highly versitle material that can be easy processed and shaped without much trouble. Which makes it perfect for the hobbyist!

Copper Penny Serving Tray

Restoration projects can be very fun. Taking something with little value and modifying it. I take a garage sale TV tray and add 391 pennies, epoxy and a 12" length of copper pipe. No table saw, no band saw and no lathe. This is a basic tool build project! $.50 TV tray from a garage sale.

Wooden Money Clip

I've been carrying a wooden money clip for about 20 years or so. It's nice to not have to lug a wallet along for everything. You can get an ID, credit card and some bills in there with no trouble, and it fits in your front pocket where it is much harder to get picked!