Another month has passed us by, which means it’s time for another installment of Couch Time. This series highlights interesting projects from other YouTube Makers working in a variety of media. BUILD: Easy Rubber Jam Chuck by TabLeft Workshop Ray at TabLeft is an accomplished Maker but doesn’t do a lot of turning. When he needed a way to finish the bottom of his bowls, he made a simple jam chuck using a piece of plywood and some rubber floor mats. Secret Compartment Frame by Dustin Penner Dustin Penner is afflicted with a compulsive desire to put secret compartments in everything he makes. To his credit, he’s very good at it. Watch him create a frame for his “If it looks straight, it is straight” print that includes secret ice pick storage. Homemade Flamethrower Slow Motion by Giaco Whatever Giaco Whatever tests out his hardware store flamethrower while visiting Jimmy DiResta’s farmhouse in Upstate NY. Mrs. Brown, if you’re reading this: this one’s for you. How to Make the Horned Ste...