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Showing posts with the label handle

Tool Handles

This was my first tool handle that I ever made. It's mahogany on cheap Harbor Freight roundnose scraper. Seems like casting pearls before swine, but I just picked one at random... I've made dozens of tool handles since, but haven't taken picture of any others. Mostly out of walnut for my set of files, knobs, knockout tools, and anything else I want to feel better in my hand. I'd much rather use a lathe turned handle than a store bought one. In addition I now make a smaller ferrule and like using a brass fitting instead of a length of pipe.

Ice Cream Scoop

A very simple turning. But a fun result! California Walnut, loaded with voids! I filled it with CA, then just did a CA finish. Because it's easier for me than lacquer and I can take the turning off the lathe and start using it!

Hairbrush Handle

I'm kicking myself for not snapping a picture, but here is the scoop. The wife has a cheap plastic brush that broke. I found that she had been using it without a handle for a while. What in the world?! So in about 30 minutes... I drilled out the brush head with a 1/2 forstner bit, then chucked up a maple branch that's been drying in the shop since about October. Turned a 1/2 tenon. and rough shaped the handle. reversed on the tenon and finished up. Sanded to 320 and finished with beeswax. CA glue and 10 minutes later it was in use. As if anyone in a turners house should have a brush without a handle!