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Showing posts with the label youtube

Couch Time: October 2016

Another month has passed us by, which means itā€™s time for another installment of Couch Time. This series highlights interesting projects from other YouTube Makers working in a variety of media. BUILD: Easy Rubber Jam Chuck by TabLeft Workshop Ray at TabLeft is an accomplished Maker but doesnā€™t do a lot of turning. When he needed a way to finish the bottom of his bowls, he made a simple jam chuck using a piece of plywood and some rubber floor mats. Secret Compartment Frame by Dustin Penner  Dustin Penner is afflicted with a compulsive desire to put secret compartments in everything he makes. To his credit, heā€™s very good at it. Watch him create a frame for his ā€œIf it looks straight, it is straightā€ print that includes secret ice pick storage. Homemade Flamethrower Slow Motion by Giaco Whatever  Giaco Whatever tests out his hardware store flamethrower while visiting Jimmy DiRestaā€™s farmhouse in Upstate NY. Mrs. Brown, if youā€™re reading this: this oneā€™s for you. How to Make the Horned Ste...

Couch Time: September 2016

Welcome back to Couch Time, the monthly column where we show you unique and interesting projects from other makers on YouTube. Last month  we covered videos from David GagnĆ©, Laura Kampf, Matt Cremona, Jimmy DiResta, and KRTWood. La Fabrique DIY ā€“ Making a Very French Birdhouse A birdhouse is possibly the archetypal woodworking project. Bill Lutes on the Reclaimed Audio Podcast even turned it into a joke ā€” his first guess about every project is ā€œa birdhouse.ā€ In this video, La Fabrique DIY (an artist group that runs a French-language Instructables-type website of the same name) creates a birdhouse in the Basque style. It isnā€™t complicated, doesnā€™t require any special tools, and looks adorable. Stay until the end for some footage of the birds enjoying the house. Frank Howarth ā€“ Maple Clouds Frank Howarth has always been an exceptionally creative woodworker, but he took his work to an entirely new level after building his giant CNC router. This turned segmented bowl would be i...

Couch Time: August 2016

Every so often, we will be sharing some unique and interesting projects from other makers on YouTube. This is the first installment in an ongoing series, so congratulations ā€” if youā€™re reading this, youā€™re getting in on the ground floor. Elm City Vintage ā€“ Pallet Up-Cycle Every year, Sterling Davis runs the Pallet Upcycle Challenge . Dave GagnĆ© of Elm City Vintage took things literally and made a pallet ā€œup-cycle.ā€ Think woody station wagon, only two wheels instead of four. And more punk rock. And beer.   Laura Kampf ā€“ Lauraā€™s Tallbike Laura Kampf creates another ā€œup cycleā€ ā€“ a tall bike. Two bike frames combined form the core, while some pedals placed strategically allow Laura to climb up and down. Thereā€™s no kickstand yet, so every ride starts by leaning the bike against a wall.   Matt Cremona ā€“ Building a large Bandsaw Mill (Introduction) Matt Cremona is known for fine furniture, traditional joinery, and milling his own lumber...

Filling the Void

I had two really cool projects for last week! Flipping awesome ideas that jumped into my head and wouldn't let me go. I love it when that happens, and I even had a head start on Thursday night plus a ton of free time on Friday to make it all happen! So I made a silly video with the intention of uploading something of substance the next morning... Just as a side note, this is now my most disliked video EVER! :)