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Showing posts with the label industrial

Steampunk Desk Lamp

OK, so itā€™s one part wood turning and one part crafting and not to everyoneā€™s taste but I really dig the outcome. Light on my desk. I need to make some space for it... I bought some cool Edison style light bulbs a while back and just thought I needed to try this industrial thing. My office is very modern and it works for me. I wanted it to look like someone was locked in a basement with a bunch of junk and needed light, so they cobbled together whatever they could and came up with this. In all truth itā€™s kind of what happened! I raided my shed and found a bunch of electrical and plumbing parts that I mashed into useless gears and buttons. I already want to build another one, maybe a bit more refined this timeā€¦

Industrial Aluminum Table

This table is made from a re-purposed oak base and a hunk of aluminum that was polished up and given a new life. The table measures 26" in diameter and 22" high. There are 6 polished bolt heads attached around the perimeter. The base is painted in satin black and the top has three coats of a clear enamel for protection.