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Shallow Walnut Box


Productive & Filthy

The table saw is properly aligned, 45* jig completed, planer knives replaced and my band saw motor has been moved to insure better performance. Don't tell my wife about her cream bath towels...

The Burl Bowl Beat

Cool Chunk of claro walnut burl Soaked in CA Rocks and burl More burl and a void emerge Rough hollowing Shearing scrape Sanding started Started on the bottom The blank went for a short flight... I'd like to claim it was an unstable bowl but that was not the case. It was a stupid mistake on my part. I was turning down the nib at the very end of the processed when I rubbed the tool edge and got a catch. the bowl came out the cole jaws hit the tool rest and flew straight up. I was then showered in burl bowl pieces. It was spectacular! I was so upset I could barely think straight. I only found two pieces and have no idea where the other 60% of them are. Now... I understand these things happen and I just need to chuck up another block

Sharp Idea

Just saw this for the first time today... Rules for the Workshop: Step 1. Check to make sure your tools are sharp. Step 2. If you are still having trouble, go back to step 1.

More Stoppers

I was playing with shapes.. First was going to be a mushroom, but I found this shape instead. Looks like a building to me. Then Top hat with burned in brim, goblet and finally a mushroom to make up for #1.

Staved Travel Mug

I have two stainless steel travel mug kits ready to be outfited with wood. Problem? I have no blank large enough to do the job. I would like to point out at that I still don't have a travel mug. I don't want to disappoint the reader. This project was only 1/2 completed. This was not the fault of the wood, but rather the tuner. Regardless... here are the steps I followed until the failure. I wanted a six sided turning, which equals 30 degrees per cut. It should be noted that I had to do math, which upset me greatly because I'm horrible at it and it makes my hobby less enjoyable! Anyway, I followed math up with dangerous beveled crosscuts on the radial arm saw. That made me feel better. I used doublestick tape and NOT FINGERS to hold the Maple in place. All cut with the grain lined up to my liking. Ran two strips of packing tape over the cut staves. I was out of yellow glue so I was using Gorilla glue in it's place. I really am not a fan and might attribute that to some o...

Tulipwood Stopper

For whatever reason I really liked the way this came out last night. I can crank out a dozen stoppers and not be overly enamored with one. I just really liked the thick goblet shape and wanted to recall it for next time. 2 inches X 1 3/8 CA finish