A Thunder Tube, or Thunder Drum is a really fun noise instrument. I've seen many versions of this but they all used a traditional drum head, which can be expensive. I made this for $7
When you think about PVC, you're probably like me, and consider it as a tube. Well, it's pretty easy to get it into flat material for the shop. I flattened a 4" piece of schedule 40 PVC in about 20 minutes. You just need a heat gun and a flat surface. Odds are, you've got loads of the stuff sitting around the house. Why not recycle it into something useful?
Prepare yourself for a sugar rush. I'm going to mix glue, cake sprinkles and cherry wood into a bonkers looking cake stand. I don't think I was quite prepared for how colorful this project would end up or how much of a mess it would leave in the shop! Still, I'm quite pleased with it. My daughter was the only one who protested... "Dad, you used ALL the sprinkles?!"
The kitchen spatula you need for your late night pre-crime fighting sandwich making. Made from a $1 spatula with a custom cut claro walnut handle and finished with boiled linseed oil. This is truly the utensil fit for a superhero...
HDPE is the plastic used in many household containers including gallon sized milk jugs. It's a dense and highly versitle material that can be easy processed and shaped without much trouble. Which makes it perfect for the hobbyist!
After 10 hours, countless washers and a broken 5mm tap, I will never complain about assembling put-together-furniture again! I am the owner of a functional desktop CNC machine. Even if the person who assembled it was a bit sub par...