When I first approached with this idea it seemed like it would be a simple project. That should have been a warning sign right there, but my brain just thought, "Make a functional pint glass from discarded beer coasters? I wonder why no one has ever done anything like that before." I now know the answer to that rather naive question. 33 coasters and 5 pieces of scrap cherry
This is just too weird not to share. The lathe is running at 800RPM, but it seems to stand still in the light of the strobe. Lathe spinning at 800RPM's It is a strange sensation to force your brain into believing that the wood is in motion. Only the sickening feeling in your stomach from the flashing and the sound of the lathe betrays the illusion.
Making a Super Mario Bros Mushroom Birdhouse turned from a log. This build was a lot of fun and I think it will make a geeky addition to my garden! Getting the last coat of lacquer This was turned from a pear tree that came down in a storm a couple winters back. It is easy wood to work with and turned easy. The trick was hollowing out the base.
I made a run of these two ring puzzles about three years ago, and they were quite popular as gifts. The joy is, once you know the secret, you want to watch others labor over it. Turns out we're all sickos....