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Walnut Pens

Stopper Commission

It's always fun to get a special request from a customer. Sometimes you like the idea, and other times you just have to turn it even if it isn't your tastes. This time I though the idea was pretty cool! She wanted 4 of my goblet shaped stoppers that would double as tapered candle holders. Here's one of them. California walnut (surprise!) with a CA finish. If anything the request simplified the turning. Normally I use a round nose scraper on the end to get a smooth bowl shape. On these, I just just drilled out a 3/4 inch hole about 1/2 deep. And together California Walnut, Lignum Vitate, Claro Walnut, Redheart C&C welcome.


It's pen season again and I'm back on blank duty. Here's a couple of new ones... African Blackwood with sapwood. Finished with CA. Corian segment. Polished to a glass like shine. A nice heavy pen.

Ring Holder

Turned from a scrap walnut piece. A very simple turning that has become a dead useful item for the wife. Wonder if there could be any profit in it... hummm

More Stoppers

Since the last two bowls I turned died a horrible death on the lathe, I only have stoppers to show. Maybe I'll get lucky next week.

Rockwell Jointer

Scored a 6 inch jointer on CL a month ago. Decided against a restore, and instead opted for a quick clean up. The jointer was in pieces but I got it for a great deal. $45 Here's the before and after. About 1 weekend of work. Sold my old 4" jointer this last weekend for $45. So, in my mind this tool was free.

Unisaw Motor

The last piece of the Unisaw restore is underway. And out of my control. I finally saved up enough dough to get the motor repaired. I called around town and this was the first place that responded correctly "I have a repulsion induction motor that is slow to start" "Did you check the capacitor?" "Nevermind... Click" Finally I got this guy who claims to get a couple of these a month. "I call them unisaw motors" "That works for me. What do you think is the trouble" At which point he began describing the brushes and wiring in a way that made me realize he had knowledge of these motors and how to troubleshoot "I'm not sure if I can fix it, I'll do my best." "How long?" "A week or so..." Not exactly instilling confidence, but certain a stronger base than the other shops! Now I wait, and too my saw waits all cleaned and painted in it's new mobile base awaiting news of it's 1950's motor and how...