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Showing posts from September, 2008

Stealing From The Dead

Itā€™s true. Iā€™m a thief, a scoundrel, a scallywag. My victims are totally helpless, and I swoop in a take what I need. They cannot stop me. Iā€™m not in the least bit repentant about it. In fact Iā€™m proud of it. I say, ā€œIf your silly enough to pass on with nice stuff in your garage, itā€™s your own fault when your wife and son sell it to me for next to nothing!ā€ My soul is absolutely filthy. I need help. I donā€™t remember the exact date, but sometime in September I found myself souring thorough Craigslist when I found a posting for a ā€™12ā€ free standing band saw for $25ā€². Itā€™s not important what a 12ā€³ free standing band saw is, or what it does, just know this. That price was UNHEARD OF! So I did what I always do on Craigslist. I waited three days and then sent a email like, ā€œAre you still trying to get rid of your old band saw?ā€ This is a low tactic, but not too low for a jerk such as myself. $25 for a 12...

Stealing From The Dead

It's true. I'm a thief, a scoundrel, a scallywag. My victims are totally helpless, and I swoop in a take what I need. They cannot stop me. I'm not in the least bit repentant about it. In fact I'm proud of it. I say, "If your silly enough to pass on with nice stuff in your garage, it's your own fault when your wife and son sell it to me for next to nothing!" My soul is absolutely filthy. I need help. I don't remember the exact date, but sometime in September I found myself souring thorough Craigslist when I found a posting for a '12" free standing band saw for $25'. It's not important what a 12" free standing band saw is, or what it does, just know this. That price was UNHEARD OF! So I did what I always do on Craigslist. I waited three days and then sent a email like, "Are you still trying to get rid of your old band saw?" This is a low tactic, but not too low for a jerk such as myself. $25 for a 12" free standing ba...