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Showing posts with the label pens

Confetti Pen

Confetti + Resin = Confetti Blank It broke, but after I glued all the bits together.... I sorta salvaged it. Still it was a good idea, and I offer it up to the community.


Completed! Bracelets! wooden pens acrylic pens (grr...) stoppers Glad to be done!

Oak Burl Slim

Oak burl - CA finish. SOLD Curly Maple - CA finish. SOLD

Acrylic Pens

I hate turning this stuff... but boy they sure do look pretty!! Blue Acrylic Cross Style Pen. Polished 12000 MM SOLD Pink Acrylic Cross Style Pen. Polished 12000 MM SOLD

Go Pink!

Pink Acrylic Cross style pen SOLD Polished to 12000 MM to a mirror shine. Very cool pen.

Cross Stlye Pens

Curly Maple with a shiny CA finish. SOLD Maple & Yellowheart with a CA finish. SOLD Mesquite with a shiny CA finish. SOLD Corian (The countertop material) Polished to 12000 grit. SOLD Purpleheart with a shiny CA finish. SOLD Zebra Acrylic Polished to 12000 grit. SOLD

Cross Pens

I love the colors on both of these, for different reasons. Yellowheart SOLD is just so happy. It's odd to see such a bright yellow in nature and I have trouble not being awed by it. CA finish. The second is a Redwood Burl. SOLD A beautiful pen, with loads of figure and a grain. CA finish.

Parker Stlye Pens

Buckeye Burl SOLD on Elegant Sierra with Mesa theme. That stuff is a PAIN to turn. Very soft and unstable. I lost 3 blanks (even with my skew honed on the WS to 4000 grit) Finally nailed the fourth one. 12 or so coats of CA Spalted Maple SOLD (has some cool green streaks) Elegant Sierra with Mesa theme. CA finish. Stuff was super soft and I ended up just soaking it in with CA Evey few days. Came out beautifully!

Pens: Corian & Walnut

I turned two more pens last night. I'm not sure what's come over me. That's like 10 pens in the last week... The first is from Corian. Yeah the counter top material. I love the weight and feel of these. They shine up great and have heft! And a Walnut SOLD pen that I had trouble getting a good picture of.

A Pack Of Pens

I've been on a pen turning kick lately. Not even sure why. Here are my most recent and I've already got more blanks ready for tonight! Redwood Burl SOLD CA finish Kingwood SOLD CA Finish Bamboo. CA finish. I'd never turned this before and have to say, "It was soo fun!" I really enjoyed it and it turned beautifully! Blackwood & Redheart SOLD CA finish. I've made this style about half a dozen times. It's a staple for me and very popular. Jatoba. SOLD CA finish.